Thursday, November 26, 2009

~~sHoPPinG sHoPPenG aT sTaR PaRaDe,aLoR SeTaR...~~

Fuh...!Ari ni lak aq n'family ge Star Parade...kak aq nak ge cari DVD Hana Kimi,ermm..cari kat Kangar dah xde..datang sini lak...Inilah d'katakan holiday skool..xpayah belanja lebih2 nak ge pulau k..pantai k..Genting k..gunung k..naik kapal terbang k..naik feri k,naik kete minyak n'xde tiket pegi dan balik...huhu...:P

Uit..!Kami nak ge dah ni...huhu..:P

Malas nak pakai baju laen,pakai baju least aq basuh taw..bwekk..xP

Palsu semata2,jgn harap ko nak beli hand beg Polo ni Bedah oii...!(Giler!Muka tembam siot..huhu,pic ni pon palsu gak...:P)

Haha...adik aq,konon2 shopaholic lah ni..yeke sumer barang tu awk yg punyer..kuang..kuangg..xP

Yg ni bawu shopaholic tol..tuan empunyer barang,kakak aq...ari ni borong hand beg sampai 2...perghhh!Salute...!

Menu pada ari ni lak...chicken chop black pepper(bg ayam kecik gilo..xpe diet) d'minum bersama orange juice(potong lemak..huhu),jom ngapp...!

Wow!Hepinya beliau...mungkin angkara chicken chope itu...

Inilah...reaksi wajah yg paling buruk,kurang malu dan penuh perasaan,mmang kuat muntah kedarah tol...jenuh laki dia sok2..:P

Warkkk..!Kenape ari ni Cik Tun(mama)nampak gothic???

P/s: Hurmm...ari ahad ge beli pizza,ari isnin kuar Kangar,ari Selasa ge Pdg.Besar..ari ni ge A.Setar,sok nk ge mna lak yer...huhu

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~~JoM Ke BiG FieLD(PDG.BeSaR)...HuHu :P~~

Selasa ari tu lak ge Pdg.Besar...Kak aq nak ge beli tudung kat sana.nak pakai tuk raya aji ni.Aq lak..mna xbleh kut..mesti nak kut,lama xge...n'lama sangat xge mkn bihun siap siam...fuh!sedap oo!

Yeahhh!Nak ge mkn bihun hujan lak turun,leh d'katakan lebat jugak lah...huhu

Merenung bakal suami ku..huk..hukk,ehemm...akhirnya,berhenti gak hujan,hehe...

Wow..!Gumbiranya kakak ku ge jolok wit..kih..kih..kihh

Teng..tengg..!Ni lah bihun sup siam feveret aq..da'best in da'world,cayalah...:)

P/s: Ti klu nak ge Pdg.Besar lak aq nk order ag bihun sup siam..xnk order makanan yg laen,setia ku pada bihun sup siam...muahhh!

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Monday, November 23, 2009

SeHaRiaN aQ PaDa PeTanG HaRi iNi...:P

Ari ni mama nk ge kangar amik baju kurung tempahan nk pakai ari raya aji kut skali termasuk my sis..motifnyer,nak cari DVD Hana Kimi..hehe,tp...dah bis lah plak kat Kangar,kena ge Alor Setar cari citer tu...xnk pulang dgn tangan kosong kak aq beli citer lain,Bambino dgn Gokusen.Dua2 Jun Matsumoto berlakon...Oguri Shun da gak dlm Gokusen,biler nk tngok ntah..Hana Yori Dango season 2 pon xbis ag tengok...huhu.Singgah jap ge kedai kek nak beli kek birthday Yan...ari ni birthday dye,23 aribln 11...Hepi birthday Yan!Even semlm cari pasal dgn aq pon..huhu...Pastu kak aq singgah jap kedai hp Celcom nak cari hp Blackberry Bold..xder,kena order dulu..last2 aq yg beli bateri ori Nokia 7390,tu pon order gak...lusa leh ge amik,tp xkesah lah..2 ari xlamer...hehe,at least ti leh lah aq pakai hp tu...nk tiru ala2 Makino Tsukushi,hp kawaii...hik..hik..hik..However,thank to my sis coz belikan aq bateri ori...Arigato ane chan..(^_^)

Nak ge Kangar pon..kena salute dulu k...?huhu...:P

Time2 hujan ni sedap gak pekena wafer coklat...hehe

Minah kepoh nak enterframe gak...:P

Kek Yan.."Hepi Birthday Yan Sojiro,17th..."

Muka jaki aq..capture pic kak aq ngah order hp idaman beliau itu...ahaks!

Xde keje..cari keje,kejenyer cari glamer dlm blog sendiri...ekekeke!

P/s: Nak kuar ge mane pon,sediakan lah payung..huhu...:p

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~aNaK SauDaRa aKu D'KeJaR PaPaRaZi...(^_-)~

Muka nyampah beliau d'pose kan khas tuk Paparazi...:P

Menendang ke arah kamera Paparazi...

Tekanan perasaan akibat d'ekori oleh Paparazi...ngehh...:P

Yg ni xtaw pe kes..tiba2 tinggal kepala jer,salah ilmu ni...hantu stokin tu mkn kot..huhu

P/s: Pic ini sesuai sangat dgn lagu tema Lady Gaga,Paparazi...hehe...:P

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Kuar petang tadi dgn kak aq just nak ge beli DVD Underworld jer...(al-maklumlah,vampire weekend,huhu...)pastu dye nak ge Watson..beli pencuci muka,adik aq lak wat xtahan nk membuang air kecik...hujan sejak dri pagi td lah pon merasa gak,but still leh tahan ag..singgah jer lah kat toilet Pizza pon dkt dgn Watson,pe ag...tiga2 beradik ni tingin lak nk beli pizza...ecspecially Hawaii Supreme,dah lama kami xmkn pizza..ari ni bawu lah dpt merasa...yg ge xreti nk order pizza ni...KFC terror r,smpai naik muak dah nk mkn...huhu,kak aq lak masa tu masih ag kat Watson,adik aq ge pon pakai hentam lew nk order mcm mn pon,jnji pizza..huhu(bkn "ngok"xreti beli aq xpham set menu dye mcm ner..huk..hukk..). Dah siap..ase kecik jer aq tengok pizza tu...skali bg dgn bread,coleslaw pastu 2 tin pepsi..memang patut r ge order tuk 2 owg mkn ja...hak..hakk..xD.Masa tu lak kul 6ptg lebih..nasi langsung xsentuh..just breakfast roti canai jer pagi td..ase lapar r.Aq ase nyesal lak per yg aq order...perut ngah lapo giler,tngok makanan mcm xcukup nk mkn 3,4 owg...dah potong kerat 6 bhagian tu..bawu amik 2 dah kenyang dah..huhuhu...:P

Gambar pizza ini d'ambik sebelum d'telan masuk ke dlm perut kami...

P/s: Bersyukur lah pa yg ada...jgn tamak haloba..huhu,aq lah tu...:P

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

**HaNa YoRi DanGo iN aLL VeRsioN...TaiWaN,JaPan n'KoRea**

HaNa YoRi DanGo THe MoVie...(^^,)

The final part of the popular series Hana Yori Dango ends with an adventure around the world. Finally, the feuding couple, Tsukushi and Tsukasa are engaged and just when they think everything will be happily ever after, the precious heirloom - a tiara called the Smile of Venus, is stolen. The two go on a search to retrieve the tiara heading off to Las Vegas, Hong Kong and other places, however each time they think they have recovered the tiara, it slips away from them. Can their love hold up to the test?

BesT! BesT! BesT SanGaT...(^_^)

Ni last story daripada sequel season 1&2...last2 dorang kawen gak,coz mak Tsukasa merestui hubungan dorang berdua ni.But..memang terharu giler lah cara jalan citer yg dorang bawak tuk last siri ni...wat movie ag taw...(^^,).Sama da siri ataw movie..sumanya meninggal kesan dlm hati n'ingatan tuk sumer owg yg layan Hana Yori Dango ni...berbeza daripada versi Taiwan n'Korea....

credit: wikipedia,Google image,photo Picnic

P/s: Memang terharu n'romantik giler lah pasangan Tsukasa n'Tsukushi ni...hurmmm,bila tengok citer ni terkenang lak aq pada seseowang...huhu...:P


HaNa YoRi DanGo SeaSon 2...(^^,)

This second season of Hana Yori Dango picks up right after Domyoji leaves for New York. After confessing to Domyoji, Makino has not spoken to him for a year. Rui and the other members of F4 try and help Makino meet Domyoji again by going to New York for the christmas holidays. Though F4 and Makino meet Domyoji again, he has become a completely different person, and so they leave for Japan.

Some time later, Domyoji's mother annouces that they will be returning to Japan. There, they hold a giant super-rich and classy birthday party for Domyoji and announce something very important. Domyoji, like in the first season, is engaged to a rich girl and heir. The only difference is that they are to be wed soon. What will Makino do?

On the side, Rui begins to fall in love with Makino... will this become a love... square?

Rui --> Makino --> Domyoji --> Shigeru (arranged fiancee of Domyoji)

P/s: xleh nk bagi komen per ag..coz bawu tengok separuh episod Makino kena buli balik...huhu...:P


*HaNa YoRi DanGo VS BoYs oVeR FLoWeR*

Jom...kita tengok bandingkan antara Hana Yori Dango dan Boys Over Flower...Hehe...(^_-)

Hana Yori Dango (versi Jepun)

Boys Over Flower (versi Korea)

GenG F4

Sape2 cari pasal dgn geng f4 ni..ataw "ter" wat silap sikit dgn dorang ni...kena lah korang,locker korang akan d'tampal dgn kad merah sbg musuh dorang dan akan d'buli...hehe
F4 versi Jepun...

F4 versi Korea...

HeRoin "GaNaS"...(^^,)

Budak perempuan yg kena d'buli oleh geng F4...mempunyai kelebihan dan bakat semulajadi,iaitu...ilmu pertahanan diri...hihi...:P

Inoue Mao a.k.a Makino Tsukushi,awek si Tsukasa...(versi Jepun)

Koo Hye Sun a.k.a Geum Jan Di,awek si Jun Pyo...(versi Korea)

credit: Google Image,photo Picnic

P/s: However...dua2 aq suka,hehe...(^_^)

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♥ .JaTuH CinTa SaMa...DoumYouJi TsuKaSa a.k.a Jun MaTsuMoTo♥ .

Klu first time korang tengok citer ni,mungkin korang xkan berkenan tengok mamat Jepun ni yg pegang peranan watak hero,Doumyouji Tsukasa...mesti korang suma suka kan lagi Lee Min Ho a.k.a Jun Pyo(versi Korea).Tp..klu korang tengok bis citer ni..korang akan jatuh cinta dgn Tsukasa...hehe...(^_^),watak yg dye lakonkan memang menarik n'berkesan.Wlupon Tsukasa n'Jun Pyo watak yg sama dan merupakan hero "garang" dlm citer klu d'perhatikan btol2 da gak perbezaan dlm watak yg dorang bawakan..
dah nama pon "versi"dah tentu berlainan jugak kan...hihi.Cik Tun pon ckp hero Jepun ni besa jer nak bandingkan dgn hero Korea.Memang xnafikan Lee Min Ho idaman setiap gadis,tp bagi aq...Jun Matsumoto da keistemewaan tersendiri yg owg lain blum temui ag..hehe..:P Bila dah tengok cite tu bawu lah aq taw yg watak Tsukasa ni ruper2nyer salah sowang ahli kump.Arashi...besa gak aq tengok video klip dorang kat channel V...lagu2 dorang ok lah jugak..not bad...

Kumpulan Arashi...Jun Matsumoto d'tengah2...

Jun Matsumoto a.k.a Doumyouji Tsukasa(hero versi Jepun)

Lee Min Ho a.k.a Jun Pyo(hero versi Korea)

Jun MaTsuMoTo PRoFiLe~~~

  • Name: 松本潤
  • Name (romaji): Matsumoto Jun
  • Nicknames: Matsujun, Junji, King [by all Arashi], Jun~Chan, Matsumoto~kun, Do-S
  • Profession: Actor, singer
  • Birthdate: 1983-Aug-30
  • Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
  • Height: 173cm
  • Weight: 58kg
  • Star sign: Virgo
  • Blood type: A-
  • Family: Older sister
Talent agency: Johnny's Entertainment

TV Shows



  • Jpop group: Arashi
  • Hobbies and interests: Music, DVDs, photography, and reading
  • Specialty: Baseball

credit: Wikipedia,WikiDrama,Google image

P/s: Oh! Tsukasa ku...HuHu...:P

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HaNa YoRi DanGo...(^^,)

Makino Tsukushi is the only poor student at Eitoku Gakuen, the school of the ridiculously rich and privileged that is ruled by Flower 4 or F4, a group of four boys who come from extremely powerful families: Domyoji Tsukasa, the leader and heir of the Domyoji World Finance Group; Hanazawa Rui, the introverted son of a large company; Nishikado Sojiro, a player who is the heir of a tea ceremony school; and Mimasaka Akira, a madam killer with ties to the underground. If a student gets on the F4’s bad side, he/she gets a red notice and is bullied and driven out of school.

Makino hopes to pass her days quietly-- without drawing any attention to herself-- but one day, she stands up to Domyoji in defense of her friend. The next day, Makino gets the dreaded red notice. Even though she is harassed, Makino decides to keep going to school because she is a “tough weed”. She declares war right back on the F4. Her resolve gets the attention of her crush Hanazawa Rui and oddly enough, rouses romantic feelings in her worst enemy, Domyoji Tsukasa.

The series is based on the Japanese shoujo manga "Hana Yori Dango" (Boys Before Flowers) by Kamio Yoko.

DeMaM HaNa YoRi DanGo...HuHu...:P bawu jer nak layan drama siri Jepun memang best sgt sbb citer ni memang sebijik ikut jln citer anime dorang...sebelum tu aq tngok Boys Over Flower dulu bawu aq tngok yg ni...yg ni mmang 100% kut anime,BOF da gak amik dari anime asal tp dorang tambah skit adengan yg xwujud dlm komik tu.Klu d'ikutkan versi Taiwan dulu,Meteor blum tngok ag..pastu versi Jepun,Hana Yori Dango...then Korea,Boys Over yg terbaru ag,versi China...Meteor Shower.

credit: Wikipedia,Google image

P/s: Pasni,bila lak versi Malaysia nak wat...huhu...:p


Friday, November 6, 2009

✖8 THinGs aBouT mE...✖

1.Firstly,aq memang budak kuat makan...,makanan kesukaan aq masakan thai n'cina.Selain drpd suka sangat cheesy wedges n'megi...thee-hee...(^^.)..even aq mcm tu tapi still lagi dlm berjaga2...huhu,aq xnak gumuk...x(

2.Aq cukup fanatik dgn kucing n'kaler pink...klu jumpa kat tepi jln,kat market,kat kedai mkn..blakang umah aq,mesti aq tegur kucing tu..kucing tu pon naik heran...owg keliling aq pon blurr...mcm ni,-> ????...huhu...:P X kisah lah kucing tu bulu sikit ker..ekor kontot k..kaler hitam k..kucing tu ngah tido k(kecuali ngah berak...xP),aq ge kat kucing tu..sembang2 dgn dye(kucing...(=^.^=)),hahaha...xD. Tp kucing kurap aq xnak r..kang melekat kurap tu kat kulit aq..jatuh saham cun aq klu kna kurap...kuang..kuanggg...xP Pink lak..mmang kaler kegemaran aq..wlupon baju dah bnyak kaler aq xdpt buang tabiat aq ni..rambang mata..Klu raye thn lepas kaler pink..pastu thn ni nawaitu nak kaler laen lak..asalkan nmpak kain kaler pink terus aq berkenan..ntah nape,sawan pink kot..huhu..xP

3.Per ag rr...bawu no.3,huhu...ermm,aq ni da sifat yg xsenonoh kit..wlupon aq comey..huahuahua!Sifat itu adalah...kuat sendawa,jeng..jenggg!!Aq klu sendawa..lebih kurang bunyi mcm guruh...kdg2 bkn sbb angin dlm badan aq ni bnyak sgt...ti pendam kang perut aq buncit lak..baik biar meletus jer kan...hihi...(^_^) Selain tu aq ni gelak xpanjang,2 rakaat ja...HA..HA! kuat...klu lawak tu xthn lak simpan ketawa aq..mula lah kuar satu bunyi yg kurang enak d'dengar...klu bakal tunang@bakal mak mentua dengar terus kena reject..hahaha,tp mntak simpang aq xnak kna reject..huwaaa,takutt...(abg..abg mat syg yaya kan..hahaha..xD)..xpe2,cinta itu buta..:P Owh!berpatah balik tentang bunyi aneh tu..korang nk taw bunyi pe...???itulah klu dah minat kaler pink..smpai menatang kaler pink tu pon aq terikut...waarghhh!aq sebenarnya secara kebetulan bunyi mcm tu..hehe,bunyi mcm tu lah maksud aq..ataw situasi lebih sopan dn lembut kit..ibarat bunyi owg da penyakit resedung..krohh..kroohh...wahahaha...xD

4.Ermm..satu ag mengenai aq,aq klu ge shopping mna2 mall aq xsuka naik lebih suka naik n'turun tangga ag...sbb masa ni lah kita nak exercise,nak harap ge jogging...sampai bila2 asyit dok tunggu dlm umah jer...huhu(ayah aq sekarang xnak ge jog lah..huhu).Masa ni lah nak membakar lemak2 kat peha,pinggul n'perut..tmbah2 pas mkn...baik mkn dulu,pastu bawu ge shopping..hak..hak..hak..bagus xidea aq...phm2 ler owg pompuan ni klu shopping baper jam..jgn kata aq dgn kakak aq(B.I.D.A.S.A.R.I...:P)jer...mama(cik tun)aq pon lagi hebat kalah kami berdua..hehe..kcuali klu shopping komplex tu xda tangga terpaksa lah aq guna eskeletor gak ending nyer..huhu...

5.Korang taw sal kuasa mutant kan..mcm X-men,fantastic pon da gak...leh tido lewat...mcm sekarang,sekarang dah pukul 03.24 pagi..owg laen suma dah jer xtido ag...mmang aq susah nak tido time2 ni...xtaw nape...klu nak paksa tido pon susah gak..kna berangan dlu..dgr MP3 dulu...japge tido,kdg2 jadi..kdg2 x...tapi time siang tu mmang feveret aq...tido,hahaha...mcm vampire lak berjaga mlm tido siang...haha.Klu mlm dah tido lewat..bngun pon lewat lah...hahaha,tp kdg2 klu aq da keje nk kna bngun bngun awal wlupon tido lewat tngok r..kdg2 petang tu aq qada balik tido..kdg2 x...mcm xcukup tido lak..last2 mata aq hitam..mcm panda...hehe...(menari2 plak dye...:P).

6.Yang ni melatah...OPOCOTTT!!!.Sikap ni telah d'sedari masa aq duk kat asrama teknik nibong tebal...form4-5,xtaw nape...seingat aq dlm dorm aq da 3,4 owg melatah termasuk aq...seolah2 penyakit ni pon satu dorm tu da 12owg..yg melatah 4,ag 8owg bleh d'katakan tiap2 ari da ja yg menyakat kami..tu bawu dlm dorm,xmasuk ag budak laki dlm kelas aq..cucuk pinggang aq pakai pembaris..kurang asam!...Tp melatah aq xder lah nk mencarut2 k..maki2 k..melatah aq ok ag..kdg2 terguna ahli2 dlm family..."oo..mak ang!...oo,pak ang!nenek ang!.."huhu...xpon kiraan bg jawapan salah,"5x2..50!"..huhu,tp aq dah lma xsebut melatah kiraan matematik tu...hihi...xP

7.Hah!yg ni lak paling aq xsuka n'aq benci..anti sgt2,aq xsuka lipas.......wahaha!takutt...!aq leh fobia dgn lipas sejak kecik aq...xsuka lah menatang ni...klu aq lalu depan lipas jer mesti lipas ge kat lalu belakang..dye pon kut belakang..mna arah aq ge..sumer dye kut aq...tmbah2 kat umah sewa kak aq..dlm bunuh 2ekor lipas..spray dgn resect..selang 4ari mai lak ag sekor..bnyak...xsuka..xsuka!

8.Last skali...ehemm!ramai owg kata aq ni jiwang...agagaga..xD,bkn aq ckp..mama aq ckp,kakak aq ckp..kwn2 aq ckp..dn telah d'lulus oleh adeq aq...maksud lulus tu..tol lah tu,hihi....Hehe,maw taw ni romantik,just owg yg kenal dgn aq jer yg tahu..kui..kui..klu ngah bercinta tu...sumanya indah..sumanya ayat2 puitis..kat tas kepala tu kuar buih2 bentuk love ja..hahaha..xD,kang aq ni jiwang...karat k???huhu...:p Tp klu putus cinta tu..allah!meleleh ja...serupa xleh idup dah..pdhal selang sebulan 2bulan..jumpa owg bawu..hahaha.....mama aq ni setia sgt...klu break,frust tahap cipan ...huhu, mmang setia owgnya...tngok!mmang xsyak ag aq ni jiwangzz...hak..hak..hak...(^_^)

P/s: Mata aq dah ngantok..karang dah pukul 04.28 pagi...akhirnya kuasa mutant aq dah kehabisan..huhu,ok..vampire ni nk ge tido sekarang...GOOD NITE,Zzzz...

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Monday, November 2, 2009

♥♥I'm cRaZy aBouT cHoi SiWoN...(^^,)♥♥


  • Full Name: 최시원 / Choi Si Won
  • Profession: Actor, singer and model
  • Nickname: Simba
  • Birthdate: 1987-Feb-10
  • Height: 183cm
  • Weight: 67kg
  • Blood type: B
  • Talent agency: SM Entertainment
  • Education: Hyun Dae High School, Inha University (Physical Education Arts Department)
  • Languages: Korean, Mandarin and English
  • Hobbies: Taekwondo, playing drums and playing on the computer
  • Religion: Christianity (Protestant)
  • Casting: Starlight Casting System (2003)
  • KPOP group: Super Junior, Super Junior-M

TV Series


siwon Pictures, Images and Photos

credit: Drama Wiki,image Google

P/s: I LuV SiWoN...(^_^)

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**SuPeR JuNioR SuPeR GirL VeRSioN iN KoReaN**

Oh~ you're my you're my baby girl

You're my super girl
ojik gŭman barabwa maeil gatŭn gomin
jŏnhwa halkka malkka gŏkjŏngma

ije gŭman dwaessŏ sunaebo
baram dongi gatŭn gŭ saram nŏl sarang anhae
sarang anhae nŏmu jinachyŏ

ttŏnabŏryŏ gŏji gatŭn nyŏsŏk (ttŏna bŏryŏ bŏryŏ)
nŏrŭl natchwo gugŏl haji mara (haji mara mara)
jamjŏngiran jugo bannŭn bosŏk (ijŏ bŏryŏ bŏryŏ)
gŭnyŏ sŏgŭn molla nega jŏngmal johŭn yŏjaranŭngŏl

Oh my Super Girl ojik naye Baby Girl
nŏrŭl molla bonŭn gŭrŏn namjadŭri baboya
Oh my super Girl nŏyege nan Super Man
sarangiran gamoksoge nŏrŭl gŭnyang bŏryŏ dujima

Oh~ my love, my love, my love

He is not Superman
He must be mamaboy
ŏmŏnidŭl gatŭn maengmok jŏgin gwanshimmanŭl baraji

aegidŭrŭn gata ttokgatji
shijagŭn changdae hajiman
shigani hŭllŏganŭn daero nŏrŭl bŏryŏ dumyŏndwae

ttŏnabŏryŏ gŭjŏ gŭrŏn nyŏsŏk (ttŏna bŏryŏ bŏryŏ)
nŏrŭl jomdŏ akkinŭn bŏbŭl baewo (ije baewo baewo)
sarangboda usŏningŏn nŏji (I will get it get it)
igijŏgin yŏnmin soge mŏmundamyŏn gŭge jweingŏl

Oh my Super Girl ojik naye Baby Girl
nŏrŭl molla bonŭn gŭrŏn namjadŭri baboya
Oh my super Girl nŏyege nan Super Man
sarangiran gamoksoge nŏrŭl gŭnyang bŏryŏ dujima

naega itjanha nae gyŏtesŏn narŭl bwa (can't you see)
jikyŏbwa (can't you see)
nae jagŭn sangchŏkkaji modu nanwo gajilge
ŏnkekkajina ne gyŏtesŏ
ttŏnabŏryŏ gŏjigatŭn nyŏsŏk
nŏrŭl jomdŏ akkinŭn bŏbŭl baewo

Oh my Super Girl ojik naye Baby Girl
nŏrŭl molla bonŭn gŭrŏn namjadŭri baboya
Oh my super Girl nŏyege nan Super Man
sarangiran gamoksoge nŏrŭl gŭnyang bŏryŏ dujima

nal midŏ matgyŏ jikyŏbwa (oh my super super)
nŏl manhi akkyŏ jikyŏbwa (ojik naye baby baby)
nal midŏ matgyŏ jikyŏbwa (oh my super super)
nŏl manhi akkyŏ jikyŏbwa (nŏyege nan super super)


Oh~super, super girl

look at me, look at me, dont’ keep thinking about him don’t love, don’t love, he doesn’t love you Your perfection surpass him
Don’t look at the hand phone any more Don’t hesitate anymore You understand You’re clear My super girl You remember the times he gave you flowers, throw it away, quickly throw it away
and also his charming smile forget it, quickly forget it
his gentleness may make you dazed. wake up, faster wake up You seemed so mysterious let me keep it a secret

Oh my Super girl, you are my Baby girl he can’t see your beauty, ordinary back charm Oh my Super girl, I’m your super man your eyes hypnotize me I’ll do anything for you
Oh~oh~Oh~oh~ Oh~oh~Oh~oh~ Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love) Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love) Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love) Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love)

look at me, look at me, don’t keep following him If he says he likes you, no matter how busy you are, he’ll wait for you He must be lying That is not his sincere words Oh~don’t believe, leave
Oh~ come back to my side

You remember the times he gave you flowers, throw it away, quickly throw it away and alos his charming smile forget it, quickly forget it
his gentleness may make you dazed. wake up, faster wake up You seemed so mysterious let me keep it a secret

Oh my Super girl, you are my Baby girl he can’t see your beauty, ordinary back charm
Oh my Super girl, I’m your super man your eyes hypnotize me I’ll do anything for you

Happily, sorrowfully I promise you, to always be with you,to always be with you
Prepared the world’s best love, most expensive love Waiting for you to move into my heart Don’t give up the power of happiness
The one and only world’s most beautiful

Oh my Super girl, you are my Baby girl he can’t see your beauty, ordinary back charm
Oh my Super girl, I’m your super man your eyes hypnotize me I’ll do anything for you

You are my awesome super girl (Don’t wait anymore, anymore) Come and fly to the future with me (Love doesn’t need to be rehearse, rehearse)
I’m your super (source of strength) (Don’t wait anymore, anymore) Come and fly to the future with me (Love doesn’t need to be rehearse, rehearse)

Oh~oh~Oh~oh~ Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love) Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love) Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love) Oh~oh~Oh~oh~(my love)

credit: edit Photobucket,YouTube,web LetsSinglt,web KPOP JJANG

P/s: Masih tergila2 kan lagi SuJu...(^^,)

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